Spectrum Health Systems

Spectrum Education, Training and Consulting Debuts in Randolph, Mass.

Published On: November 8th, 2018

Spectrum Health Systems, Inc., a longtime not-for-profit organization providing a comprehensive continuum of addiction treatment throughout Massachusetts, recently instated an ongoing training partnership with the Town of Randolph. It is the first municipality in the Commonwealth to invite Spectrum Education, Training and Consulting experts to provide custom training and interactive sessions to its employees.

Led by Vice President of Clinical Development Romas Buivydas, PhD, LMHC, the first training touched on what addiction is, common signs of someone struggling with addiction and how to intervene in the event of an overdose. Attendees of the course included Public Works employees from a variety of departments, including public health, water, engineering and more.

“A lot of places create committee after committee, host meeting after meeting, but nothing gets done,” said Jean McGinty, public health nurse for the Town of Randolph. “Inviting Spectrum and Dr. Buivydas to host a session about addiction has proven helpful to our residents. Our employees are invested in this crisis and they’ve already taken what they’ve learned back to their everyday lives. As a town, we refuse to sit idly by and wait for others to take action – we are saving lives now.”

Spectrum offers custom trainings that can be adjusted to fit the needs of any organization, from brief informational sessions geared towards the public, to half-day, full-day, or multi-day trainings for field professionals. Past trainings have included: What is a Substance Use Disorder and How to Treat It; Understanding the Different Levels of Addiction Treatment; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Recovery Coaching and more.

 “The key with these trainings is to build resiliency,” said Dr. Buivydas. “Not only is Randolph invoking change for today, it’s looking at the bigger picture as well. What we do now will impact our youth, our workforce, our neighborhoods and more. Spectrum Health Systems is proud to offer its expertise to other local municipalities and organizations. We are all in this fight together.”

To learn more about Spectrum Education, Training and Consulting services, please visit: www.SpectrumHealthSystems.org/Training.

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